Coffee Shop with Theater as Theme

Coffee Shop with Theater as Theme

Hopping into a coffee shop with theater as theme gives an idea of enjoying a tall coffee drink with Broadway tunes blaring in the background. The place is decorated with old posters from theatrical productions. Even the menu has food-and-drink items named after some theater characters. It’s not a dream. It’s iChill Theater Cafe.

Located close enough to the University of Santo Tomas, iChill Theater Cafe becomes easily accessible enough to anyone around the university belt area. A coffee shop with theater as theme easily attracts the artistic crowd. And it caters immediately to individuals with a need to be constantly inspired. Inspiration is one that is easily seen once coming in.

If you need to plug your art or your next project, you have the open mic available for you to speak your mind. And speaking your mind is an act encouraged in iChill Theater Cafe. This coffee shop with theater as theme meant a platform for some individuals to express themselves. What is art for but an expression? The easiest form of art to create is one that comes from the heart. It is derived from experiences that needed an outlet. This brings us to the next purpose of the open mic here – a way to get your talent known to the world.

Coffee Shop with Theater as Theme

Some come over and see the guitar and discover that they can play it while singing for the open mic opportunity. It becomes a pleasant experience for the artist. In a coffee shop with theater as theme, getting your talent out there is highly encouraged. Perks like free snacks for “the brave souls” encourage everyone else to go try performing. Stage fright is understandable. But for an intimate crowd that possibly includes your own circle of friends. You might even find yourself an encouraging crowd.

iChill Theater Cafe is also the ideal coffee shop to come over for theater starters. Whether you just enrolled in theater school or been a theater nut all your life, this is the place for you. There are more musical productions apart from the conventionally discussed online. You get to discover Spanish editions of Phantom of the Opera and Chicago. The Spanish posters are on the second floor. That’s where most of the special events are held.

And why Spanish? Because one of the owners, Kuya Manzano, is half-Spanish. A theater veteran himself, he found it most fitting to put up a coffee shop that served as an extension of his personality. The level of passion he has infused into musical theater comes alive in this coffee shop with theater as theme. There are some days where he himself oversees the operations for a day and gets asked to sing. He ends up singing some popular Broadway tunes like “This is the Moment” from Jekyll and Hyde and “I Believe” from The Book of Mormon.

Coffee Shop with Theater as Theme

With a pleasant place to conduct brainstorming sessions while having coffee and pasta, iChill Theater Cafe is set to be the venue for productive artistry. A coffee shop with theater as theme is highly recommended for strategic planning meetings that demand creativity. For reservations, you can call at 521-0056. To keep yourself updated with the latest deals and promos, like their official Facebook page by clicking here. Follow them on Twitter @iChillTheater. May the coffee be with you.