The Rosary film at the iChill Manila International Film Fest Jan 2018

The Rosary film at the iChill Manila International Film Fest Jan 2018

The Rosary

On the day of her great uncle’s funeral Clara gets caught up in the frantic search for a rosary, which her grieving aunt wants to place in his empty hands. Clara is joined by her aunt’s friend, the eccentric Maggie, who leads her on an unexpected journey.

Director Biography

I started to write fiction stories for children when I lived in New York City, switching then to adult fiction and stage plays when I moved back to my country, Italy, receiving many literary awards. In 2011 I signed up for an intensive screenwriting course in Spoleto, with American screenwriter Irv Bauer, and since then I never stopped writing for the screen. Later I completed two screenwriting courses with professor Christine De Smet at University of Wisconsin, and an intensive screenwriting workshop with the “Blake Snyder” school in New York City. In 2012 I wrote with director Luca Murri the short screenplay “Un Amato Funerale” (A Beloved Funeral), that was produced in 2014 and won many Italian festival awards. I also wrote two long features, that are now looking for a producer, and four more short screenplays. I finally decided to take a direction course at the “Scuola Tracce” (School Tracce) in Rome last year. The little short, “Il Rosario” (The Rosary) is the result of this course, of my dedication and my deep love for the movies and the Arts.

Director Statement

“Non è mai troppo tardi!” It’s never too late, says a old Italian proverb… I am sixty two, approaching the movie world as a mature woman who knows what she wants to say. “The Rosary” is the first movie I wrote, directed and produced. Along the years, as I was taking my screenwriting courses and then the direction course, I had the occasion to deal with older people, observe them, and care for them, finding out that each one of them had a different way to deal with the great losses and the great pains that might occur at an elderly age. But my belief is that life is never just tragic, tragedy carries in itself the seeds for comedy sometimes, and Italian death rites could be seen in many different ways, and suggest opposite feelings. This is why I wanted a “comedic frame” for this little movie’s tragic theme. This is a short shot with limited resources, it was manly self-produced and self-financed, but I had some help from a crowdfunding campaign, and great help from friends, relatives, and even acquaintances who fell in love with the project. Most important I could count on the support, the passion and dedication of all my wonderful cast and crew members.


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