Sémédée film to join iChill Manila International Film Fest

Sémédée film to join iChill Manila International Film Fest

A god has fallen in love with a young woman whose voice is outstanding. After her refusal, he rapes her and she gets pregnant. She runs away and hides for 9 months. But when she gives birth, her screams lead the god back to her, and he tries to force her to kill her kid. She refuses and sacrifices herself by stabbing herself in the heart. The god abandons the baby, persuaded that he will not survive.

However, Ekeko, a hermit, finds the baby and takes care of him, in his ancient library. Reaching adolescence, Sémédée meets his father who rejects him disdainfully. The semi-god will then have to face his emotions, control his power and chose his destiny.

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Ty and May the Coffee be with You!

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Kuya Manzano, festival director for iChill Manila International Film Fest


ICHILL THEATER CAFE 1125 Dos Castillas st. Sampaloc Manila (near UST hospital, behind McDo Lacson)

http://ichilltheatercafe.com Phone: 5313 5321

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